Tuesday, July 18, 2017


Dear Friend,

For the last four years, I have looked forward to the opportunity to work as a camp counselor at a camp for kids in foster care. I have witnessed countless moments of God at work in the hearts of these young kiddos. I have witnessed the change that happens from Day 1 to Day 5, changes that are hard to explain unless you have witnessed them firsthand.

Anyone who has been to camp knows that the kids are full of all sorts of emotions as they step off the bus. I’ve had the privilege to see the shy and timid kids blossom and light up as they step up and take a risk, like flying down the zip-line, and the sense of accomplishment that brings! I’ve watched while kids—who may have been told all their lives that they can’t succeed—cling to the top of a rock wall while other kids cheer for them by name. I’ve heard the excitement as the kids realize that we are throwing a birthday party for THEM, because sadly some may never have had their birthday remembered or celebrated!

The truth is I could go on and on about the things I have seen and witnessed at this camp, but I want to tell you a very REAL tangible story about what God does at camp.

Last year, another counselor and I decided to give up some of our break time to go to the pool with our campers. While there, one of my campers came to me very upset. She had been wearing a necklace, one that she never takes off, and it was gone. To me, the necklace I had seen her wearing didn’t seem very significant, but I had learned that it was given to her by her biological mother and was the only thing she had from her. When we realized, the necklace was missing, we began searching the pool, her bags, the bus, everywhere we could think to look. It was GONE.

“We’ll keep looking,” I told her. “We’ll keep looking.” What else could I say? What else could we do? I’ll be honest, I wasn’t very hopeful. When we got back to camp and realized the necklace was in fact gone, I saw this sweet girl’s face and started searching through all my thoughts. What could I tell her? What could make the loss of her necklace better? In that instant, it hit me. PRAY. We had been talking with the girls about God and about prayer and in that moment. Prayer was the only thing I could think of. Together, we prayed for the necklace to be found and safely returned in the morning. We prayed and then continued with our afternoon/ evening. I prayed some more, “Father God, this child, this child who has been through so much, who can’t count on anyone… please, dear God, show HER. Show her that she can count on you.” We walked into breakfast the next morning, and someone at the pool had found her necklace and returned it. That little girl looked at me, and said “OUR PRAYER WORKED!” This story still gives me chills, isn’t God awesome?

Please hear me, this is just one of MANY stories I could tell you about life changing experiences that God brings to these kids at camp.  Camp is one of my favorite things to talk about so if you have any questions or want to know more please feel free to ask!

Please be in prayer for camp, and if God has blessed you please consider financial sponsorship.  We must raise $43,000 for 40 children, age 7-11 to experience camp in the great outdoors.  I will be providing 5 days of service to make this camp a reality.  By sponsoring, you become a sender.  Senders go with me because they have given resources, which are representation of your time and energy.  Not everyone can go physically, but everyone can go in spirit, when you send.  For more information, you may contact me, or, go to http://campforchange.org/.  100% of sponsorship funds benefit camp and is tax deductible as provided by law.

Again, thank you for your prayers for camp, and that these kids would come to know God’s abundant love, see Him as a personal friend that they can always turn to and know the power of His healing. 
            In Him,