Monday, July 27, 2009


We are so excited in less then a week we get to go back to Texas for a whole week. While a lot of our friends have moved out of Lubbock we are excited to be able to spend time with those that are still there. I never thought we would say this but we BOTH miss West Texas so much. Then again, its mainly the people. Therefore it would be nice if we could just move all our friends up here. Common the weather is wonderful most of the time. :-) And when you look to the west its not a red cloud of dust :-D. But in all seriousness we are supper excited. I will probably be posting on the reverse said of the trip how much we hated to leave.


Kris said...

Hey you got em! The easy way no less... I got a pic I liked where I wanted it on mine, but it faded the rest for some odd reason and didn't look right :-\ I love my new lettering though, so I'll stick with that for now lol.

Hope yall have a fun and safe trip!

Kris said...

Oops meant to say that it looks great too... Love the new layout!

Lelo and Stitch said...

:-) yea i got it. I noticed that with your picture too...hmmm. Wish I could help. I like the lettering on yours as well.

Beth said...

I love the new layout. David and I wish we could be in Lubbock to see y'all again, but alas, we left there yesterday! I hope you have TONS of fun.