Sunday, October 5, 2008

Crazy thing called Life

Life has been interesting as of late. Kevin is still working at the bank, and things got a little crazy around there but will start calming down for him. Things have gotten crazy because he has been stuck working by himself a lot even on the most busy of days. They have hired a new employee so he should technically get some more help soon, provided they don't change their mind about where they are going to place the new guy. I have completed another class, and all though the grades are not posted yet I have a good idea that I have maintained my 4.0 Average. Which I am ecstatic about.

I have been experiencing migraines a lot lately so I went to see a doctor and was prescribed some heavy duty migraine medicane. A couple of days ago I came home to find my dogs had gotten into the medicine and there were 8 pills missing. All of the pills had been chewed on, and powder from those pills was all over the floor. I called the vet, who insisted they both be brought in ASAP. I struggled to find a ride (since Kevin had the car) and what seemed like an eternity later Kevin was able to take a few minutes to come get me so that I could have the car. I spent several hours at our vets before finding out that I needed to take the dogs to the Emergency Animal Clinic in order to be monitored and on IV medication. So needless to say I was not very happy, because we had to pay the vet for the emergency appointment and then they were sending me to another Emergancy where I would yet again have to pay. Scrappy was stayed the night and was able to come home the following eveing. The vet is reasonably sure Scrappy hadn't gotten into the medicine at all. Which meant Malaika had consumed all 8 500mg tablets. She had to stay an additional day which. All in all we had an extremely expensive week of Dog care. They are okay and home with us now which we are thankful for. They still have to go get another blood test in a week to make sure there were no latent signs that were missed previously.

Now, we have to figure out how we are going to pay for this. We had to use credit (which we hated doing, but we were able to finance with a low interest rate) We are trying to decide what the best way to handle it is and I am probably going to have to look for a second job. That makes me concerned because on top of my already existing job (which is now 35 hours a week) and on top of grade school I am wondering how I am going to handle anotehr job. Not to mention finding transpertation to another job.

So as I sayed before. Life has been crazy. Hope everything is well with all of you. MUCH LOVE!